We have prepared the following list of questions and answers to provide much more details on our MUGA project. If you have a question not answered here, please email finance@busbridge-junior.surrey.sch.uk
Why not just invest in repair and maintenance of the existing field?
The school has been doing this for many years with limited success: the problem persists. Unfortunately, the key time for doing this work is when we use the field most. Restricting use of the field to allow it to recover reduces our sports capability even further. As we do not have space for a second sports pitch the grass is unable to recover. 
Have parents/carers and the wider community been given an opportunity to discuss these plans?
Information has been sent out to parents and it has been/will continue to be discussed at all relevant meetings with school stakeholders. We will be sending a letter to all our immediate neighbours to make them aware of the plans once we have more details and to ask for their feedback.
How will the MUGA be used during school hours?
In so many ways! Every child will use it many times over the course of a week. Firstly, it will be used at break times (morning, lunchtime) to provide an activity area away from the playground. This will make the playground safer by reducing the density of children at any one time. Secondly, it will be used daily for outdoor PE activities. Finally, spare time slots during the school day will be offered to our neighbouring schools. 
What sports will be played on the MUGA?
The MUGA will be used for a wide variety of sports by the children during their PE lessons. The intention is for the surface to be marked out with a Netball court and a 5 a side football pitch. Sports played will include tag rugby, hockey, netball, basketball, football, benchball, volleyball, tennis, cricket, rounders. We will also use it for athletics activities in the summer months. 
It will also provide a consistent, durable and even surface for sports to be played on. This will help children to be safer as well as raise the quality of PE/sports drills that we can carry out. 
How will the funds be raised for this project without affecting the funds required for other items requested by the school?
We are fundraising for this project as a specific project. No funds will be taken from our regular school budget. Our wonderful PTA will carry out fundraising for it, but they will also donate money to the school for items such as digital cameras and books. We are exploring all Grant opportunities that are currently available to schools for projects such as this.
Who will be allowed to use the MUGA outside of school hours? Can local residents book the MUGA for their own use and events?
Our school field is currently used every afternoon after school by sports club providers. This will continue once the MUGA has been installed. 
It could be that a local sports club would like to make it their 'home' for early evening sessions. We are tentatively exploring this as an option to help with financing the MUGA.
Local residents and community groups will most certainly be able to book the MUGA for use. It is very much a community-use project. 
My child attends an after-school club on the school premises. Will the MUGA pitch be hired out externally while children are still on site?
Yes it will be, but in line with our current Safeguarding protocol; and procedures. For example, all external coaches working on our site with children in after school clubs needs to have passed the relevant safeguarding checks. 
I am a local resident. Will the MUGA be hired out until late at night? How will the school ensure that this does not increase anti-social behaviour in the area?
Current plans for the MUGA do not include lighting, so we do not anticipate evening / night lettings. All groups hiring the MUGA will be vetted and issued with a code of conduct, within which will be an agreement to respect our neighbours. 
I live very close to the school. Won’t the MUGA pitch increase the noise levels and disturb local residents, especially on weekends?
There may well be more traffic accessing the school site, but it is a small pitch so will not attract a high number of participants. 
Will the surface be made from sustainable/recycled materials?
We have requested details regarding this from the suppliers we are short-listing and it will be a key criteria within the selection process for the final supplier.
Will there be a fence around the MUGA?
There will be a fence around the perimeter of the MUGA. This will help reduce the potential contamination of the surface as a result of users running on and off the pitch from the surrounding natural surface as well as local wildlife accessing the pitch.
Will there be floodlights?
In the first instance, the plan does not include adding floodlights. These could be added later if the need arises. However, we will consult closely with the community and local council on this if we decide to explore this option. 
How will the school ensure that the MUGA pitch is responsibly used by external parties? How will security to the school and facilities be managed at the weekend?
The school site is already used at the weekend and evenings by some external parties. We have not been informed of security or anti-social issues deriving from these lettings. The current protocols and procedures will be extended to new parties using the school site, and closely monitored. 
What will happen if the necessary funds are not raised within the target period?
This is a project which we are fully committed to. If the target is not reached for an install in Summer 2023 we will ensure the funds remain committed to this project. 
How can I help?
This is a major project for the school requiring significant commitment from those involved. If you have any experience of fundraising, grant applications or MUGAs we would love to hear from you. Similarly, if you work for a company that may be interested in supporting the project please let us know. Thank you