Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 page.

Most of the work in the Autumn term is based around the Saxons and Vikings. We learn about the key features of these periods and why people wished to invade and settle in Britain. This will tie in with our learning about stories with historical settings, which is one of our Literacy topics.

During the Spring term we move on to look at our local environment in Geography. The children also spend 3 days away at Sayers Croft in Ewhurst. The children have the opportunity to build on our Science topic of habitats, as well as taking part in some outdoor and adventurous activities.

During the final term of the year, the children learn all about the weather and climate in our local environment and around the world. 

All in all the children will have a varied and exciting experience in Year 4.

More information on the topics, homework and planning can be found below.