
School Uniform
Please click on the link above to view our full School Uniform list.
Our uniform is supplied by Valentino Schoolwear. Valentino’s are a major shop and web based provider who already cater for some of the local schools.  Uniform can be purchased online, in store or by phone. Further information can be found at:  https://www.valentinoschoolwear.com/.  
Please ensure all items of school uniform and equipment are clearly labelled with your child's name. If you would like to order name labels from Stikins and quote our school ID 3307 the Friends of Busbridge Junior School will receive 30% commission on your order.  Please click on the Stikins link below to be directed to their website.
We understand that there may be some exceptional and unavoidable situations where children may have to come to school without a part of their school or PE uniform (lost or damaged). We do ask the parents/carers to contact the school on the day to confirm the reason either by phone, letter or email.
Second hand Uniform
The Friends of Busbridge CofE Junior School run a second hand uniform service. Please contact Claire Hemmings by emailing 2ndhanduniform@busbridge-junior.surrey.sch.uk. 

All earrings and piercings should be taken out prior to PE lessons and other sporting events (e.g. Sports Day).  If a child has new piercings and cannot take them out during the healing stage (usually 6 weeks) the child will be able to take part in sporting activities if the earring front and back is covered with a plaster.  Plasters should be put on at home, and the child can wear plasters all day at school.  Our school staff will not supply plasters or apply plasters.  To avoid extra hassle with plasters and PE, the school strongly recommends that children still have their ears pierced over the school summer holidays.  If a child has earring piercings that have healed, the expectation is that the child either comes to school on PE days without their earrings, or they take them out themselves prior to PE. We would not expect plasters to be used in this instance.  Watches can be worn, but we ask that they are clearly named. 

Nail Varnish/ Make up
Nail varnish should not be worn during the school day and should be removed before coming to school if worn for a special occasion outside of school. Make up is not to be worn at school by pupils. 

Long hair should be tied back at all times during the school day. 
Click here to visit Stikins Name Labels