At Busbridge C of E Junior School, we aim to ensure that children:
- obtain a high standard of language and literacy by equipping children with a strong command of the spoken and written word so that they are able to communicate effectively and creatively
- read fluently with understanding using a range of independent strategies to access the text and grow a love of reading
- are able to transcribe their ideas accurately including the correct application of spelling, grammar and punctuation
Our Pupil Outcomes for the end of Key Stage 2 can be found in the 'About Us' section of the website.
At Busbridge C of E Junior School, we use Little Wandle as our chosen phonics scheme.
Year 3
In Year 3 we use Little Wandle resources to support whole class teaching, starting the term with a four week block of revision of the phase 5 graphemes and the tricky words that the children learnt at the end of Key Stage 1. We also then use the Little Wandle Assessment to ascertain whether there are any children who require Little Wandle rapid catch up. Little Wandle rapid catch up sessions happen daily for those who require them.
Children accessing Little Wandle rapid catch up take part in sessions with trained Learning Support Assistants each day. Children are grouped according to the phase needed as identified in the Little Wandle Assessment. These children take books home - a reading practice book carefully matched to the phonics stage that they are currently at, and a sharing book to enjoy with parents/carers.
Children who do not need to access the Little Wandle rapid catch up are benchmarked in their reading using the PM Benchmarking assessment. They are then given reading books to take home which are matched to their reading fluency and comprehension levels.
Any child joining the school mid year will also be assessed using the Little Wandle Assessment. This way we can ensure that all children are supported in their reading at the appropriate level.
Children in Year 4 are also benchmarked at the start of the year and are given reading books that match their level of fluency and comprehension. As children move through these books, and after careful assessment by the teacher, they may become Reading Explorers. This is a contract between the child and their teacher to explore a range of genres and authors. Children are helped to select their texts using the 'five finger rule'. This practice continues as the children progress through the school as required.
Reading in the classroom
As part of our carefully planned transition, children in Year 3 read each week with their teacher in Guided Reading sessions. Texts are carefully selected from the Collins Big Cat range of texts and matched to the children's Little Wandle or Book Band assessment. Teachers are able to work with a different group each day, developing children's fluency, prosody and comprehension skills. This happens for the first term in Year 3 and helps prepare the children for Reading VIPERS sessions which happen across the school from Year 3 Spring term onwards.
VIPERS Reading Lessons
Once a week, each class has a VIPERS reading lesson that focuses on developing the children’s reading skills. Children read a range of texts and acquire the skills through explicit teaching, questioning and reading activities. The children work as a whole class, in groups, with partners and individually to provide challenge and support at their level. Lessons may focus on one specific skill or cover a range depending on the needs of the children in the class. All skills will be regularly covered within the year.
Reading Skills
The skills of reading can be broken down into seven different strands. The first is fluency which involves the ability to read with speed and accuracy using their phonics knowledge as well as reading with appropriate expression. The remaining six strands can be separated into VIPERS:
Vocabulary – word meaning and understanding language used in context.
Inference – making inferences from the text. Explaining and justifying using evidence from the text.
Predict – predicting what may happen from the details both stated and implied.
Explain – identify and explain how information or narrative content is related and contributes to the meaning of the text.
Retrieval – retrieve and record key information and details from the text.
Sequence and Summarise – putting events in order, knowing what happens before or after an event. Summarise the main ideas from the text.
Below are some useful documents, including a parents VIPERS guide.
Parents can find more about our approach to reading in the context of National guidance here: