The School Day

Standard School Day:
School Opening Hours  
Our school weekly hours amount to 37.5 hours (The DfE's minimum weekly expectation of Primary schools is 32.5 hours).
Breakfast Club: 7.50 am-8.45am
For costs and more information contact Mrs Jackie McPhail on 07432 304562 or 

The Morning Session: 9.00am-12.30pm (assembly 10.10 to 10.30am)
The children may arrive at school from 8.45am onwards when a member of staff will be on duty to supervise them in the playground. Registration is taken at 9am.
Break time: 10.30am-10.50am
There is a 20 minute break mid-morning when a healthy fruit or vegetable snack may be eaten. No crisps, sweets or chocolate, and snacks must not contain nuts in line with the school's nut-free policy. We encourage children to take food out of wrappers and bring it in a named plastic pot to reduce litter.

Lunchtime: 12.30pm-1.20pm
Most children stay at school for lunch although they may go home if parents prefer.
The school provides a healthy, balanced meal at the cost of £2.70 a day/£13.50 weekly (for more information see the 'Dinners' section in 'For Parents'), or children may bring in a packed lunch from home to be eaten in the school dining hall. All children eat together regardless of their lunch choice.

The Afternoon Session: 1.20pm-3.30pm
Afternoon registration is taken at 1.20pm.  For safeguarding reasons, the school gate is opened at 3.27pm and school finishes at 3.30pm. Children should be collected by 3.40pm - parents/carers should contact the school office if they are going to be late.

After School Clubs 
A wide range of after school clubs are available and details are issued termly. A clubs list is available in the Clubs section of this website under Pupils and Learning.

After-school Care Club:
Half session 3.30pm-4.45-pm and full session 3.30pm-6.00pm.
For costs and more information for Breakfast and After School Club please contact Mrs Jackie McPhail on 07432 304562 or