In Year Transfer Applications

In-year admission applications for entry to Busbridge CofE Junior School are managed for us through Surrey County Council  - to find out more information go to:

Current Vacancies
We have no current vacancies in Years 3 to 6, however applications can still be made to join our waiting list.
Making an application
To make an application, please complete an In Year Transfer CMA form via Surrey CC Admissions. Applications are subject to the criteria as stated in our admissions policy (see Admissions Page). 
Applications in Criteria 4 or Criteria 5 
Please also complete the relevant Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if you are applying in Criteria 4 (Church attendance) or Criteria 5 (staff). The SIF forms can be downloaded below - paper copies can be provided by the school office. The Criteria 4 SIF should be completed and returned to Busbridge Church Office for verification. The Criteria 5 SIF should be completed and returned to the school office for verification. Once the SIFs have been verified and signed off a copy should be returned to the school and attached to the CMA application form.
On receipt of the In Year Transfer application request from Surrey Admissions, the school will advise if a place is available or not - we aim to respond/notify the outcome of application in writing within 10-15 school days of receipt of the notice of application from Surrey.
If a school place is available at the time of application, the school will contact the parent/carer and make an offer/transition arrangements for the child.
If at the time of application a school place is not available due to oversubscription, the school will advise Surrey Admissions and the parent/carer. The child's name will be placed on our school waiting list in accordance with the criteria at time of application. Your child will remain on the waiting list for the duration of the academic year applied for.
If you wish your child's name to remain on the waiting list for the next academic year, you must submit a new in-year application form via Surrey Admissions.
Appeals against a decision not to offer a place at Busbridge CofE Junior School will be administrated by Surrey County Council. Parents who wish to appeal should contact the Surrey Schools Appeals Service to obtain the appropriate forms through: (a paper copy can be provided if required) or by telephoning 020 8541 8092 or by emailing
In year or immediate entry appeals:
Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
In-Year variation to Admissions Policy for the year 2021-22
Busbridge CE Junior School is notifying you of an in-year variation to our admissions policy for the year 2021-22. This will affect admissions to Year 3 in September 2021 and beyond. The closure of churches as a result of Covid-19, has raised the difficult issue of clergy verifying an applicant's level of church attendance in order to meet governors' over-subscription criteria. Clearly it will not be possible for clergy to do so in line with schools' admissions policies during the next admissions application round for the academic year 2021/22.  As a result, an in-year variation to our over-subscription criteria has been agreed, in order to remedy this and clarify the position for prospective parents.  This is based on advice received from the DfE, the Church of England Education Office and the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA).  Please note that this was not a formal consultation, which was not required under these circumstances.

The wording for the variation, as agreed with the OSA VAR1391 11th September 2020, is as follows:

"In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship, the church has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these admissions arrangements in relation to attendance, will only apply to the period when the church has been available for public worship”.

All other aspects of our admissions policy remain unchanged.