SEND Information

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Busbridge CofE Junior School we believe that all children should have access to a broad and balanced education which gives them the opportunity to realise their full potential and achieve success. For some children this will mean the school making additional provision within the curriculum to meet their individual needs. Some children will need also need additional support delivered through targeted interventions.

The SENCo works with class teachers to plan interventions driven by outcomes for individual pupils, and these are then delivered by trained Learning Support Assistants individually or in small groups. SEND support encompasses all areas of the child's development which include:

  • if the pupil has a cognition or learning need
  • if the pupil has a social, emotional or mental health needs
  • if the pupil has a physical, medical or sensory need
  • if the pupil has social communication or language needs

The class teacher and SENCo will work closely with the pupil's parents or carers to ensure the support follows a child-centered approach.

Some children will have longer term needs and will be supported by an EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan).

Our SENCo is Mrs.Rachel Barker. She can be contacted via email  or by telephoning the school office on 01483 417302.

Surrey's Local Offer provides a single point of access to clear and comprehensive information about services and provision that is available for children and young people from birth to 25 years of age who have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND). Details can be found on the Surrey local offer website

Additional support for parents can also be found at
Click here to see what our parents and children say about our SEND provision. 
For more information please click on the attached documents below: